I'm really trying my best to stick to my training schedule. However, I've definitely gone off route a touch... whoops. Thus far, this has been my stay:
Friday: off the plane immediately to a mellow Paradise Loop
Saturday: MTB: RR, Eldridge, RR, Coastal, Diaz, Miwok
Sunday: Road: Alpine Dam
Monday: MTB: China Camp
Tuesday: MTB: Weights + Tamarancho (+) B17-Whites Hill
Wednesday: MTB: Tamarancho w/ stupid crash
Thursday: MTB: China Camp + Yoga
Friday: Road: SF-SV-4 corners via Marion-Muir Woods-Paradise Loop-SV-SF
Saturday: Road: SF-Headlands Loop-Stinson Loop-SF
I probably get negative points for having 1 to far more than 1 drink/night and deviating from the Apex Nutrition plan... but a good SF friend told me, "You only live once, until you live again".

From outside looking in, seems like a pretty fantastic life... and for the most part I'd have to agree... but nothing is ever as good as it looks. My views on "the big picture" have continually restructured and redefined as each year goes by. Yes, my goals are very race driven right now... but being back I'm realizing if I'm meant to race I can't sanely go day by day and be 100% train, bike, rest, train, rest, repeat. So much of the journey is lost thinking of living my life like that. Seems very egotistical. Kind of makes me want to bang my head against a brick wall to think the most exciting part of my day would be the duration and intensity of intervals.
Give me thrill, sarcasm, adrenaline, spontaneous adventure, challenge, art, culture, genuine compassion, education, meditation... excitement.
It's there, and possible.. even if I really want to be a bicycle racer when I grow up... I know it. If not... well, at least I gave it a shot and have given and gained new perspective in the process.
Thank you SF for teaching me far more than how to ride steep steeps!