I haven't quite cornered why the word "train" sends a nails on a chalkboard chill up my spine. I cringe anytime someone asks, "What did you do for training?"... "have you started your training plan for next season yet?"... etc. In my opinion, this word that seems to echo a headache between my ears is a complete fun sucker. I choose to race because I love it; I love the sport, I love the people I've met just getting into it, and the beautiful places my two wheels have brought me. Simple.
I find it true across the board that the people who get so concerned with "training", checking workouts off their list of "to do's", and racing to meet their estimated goals of weight, time, speed, etc... these people become so consumed with "the next check mark"... that they forget to enjoy the moment. Yes, every moment...the good and the bad. Enjoy the hours, miles, pain, sweat, falls, lessons... all of it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm learning more and more how important this four letter word really is. Organized, concise, efficient...t-t-t-training... What I'm finding is that with this word that I don't want to keep repeating, knowing when to lay it down has been the most difficult. Knowing when to hold back, rest, and put the guilt away. My problem is that I enjoy pushing so much, that when I'm running on empty or being told I need to rest... I have an overwhelming sense of "missing out". Like not being invited to play tag at recess. This is where I need to focus my "training"... laying it down and letting my body recover.
My dad tells me that I have an addiction and that he doesn't think it's healthy... I'll simply reply to him, "Would you rather me be an alcoholic?" That seems to stop the conversation quite well :)
So, yes I guess I am training. "Training to train" is how I've been told to think of it. (double wammy of this 4 letter word)... Letting my body rest, giving myself a break, and setting it down for awhile. Then, when it's time... I can hit the ground running with a smile from ear to ear :)