No one told me that the transition from 25 to 26 was going to be filled with so many of these pesky, looming decisions. No one warned me that making these decisions and choosing to go deeper and deeper into this unconventional life...that this would be coupled with those unheard of emotions every good Midwesterner has been conditioned to lock in a pretty little box tied with a bow and stored in the far back corner of their closets. Nope, this all came on like a ton of bricks... and seems as though every day my heart is screaming something else and I can't seem to find the ear plugs...
I'm constantly amazed about how many people have an opinion about everyone else's lives and the decisions they're faced with... Do this, do that... date him, aren't you dating him?, you'd be good at this, why don't you do that, you could always move back to Minnesota... aren't you going to nursing school... no one really cares that you moved up in the RECREATIONAL town series...really?!?! This clatter has got to stop...
I've decided to listen to my heart, regardless of what my mind is able to fabricate. Let me tell you one thing, my mind can create quite the happy place that is pretty convincing! However, when the day comes to an end and I'm crawling into bed... all that really matters is if my heart feels fulfilled... so, bring it on 26... I'm ready, let's do this.