A week ago today I was walking around like I had gotten in a fight the night before and my head was spinning as if I decided to drink the bar dry. Was it a crazy night out in the Vail Village, body shots and laps around the pole at Whiskey Jacks? Hardly, I was in what I've now termed an "endorphin hangover" after completing 12 Hours of Mesa Verde, a 16.something mile FUN single track course that you either lap time after time solo or relay as a duo, 3, or 4 person team. Warren and Brett signed up early...so the little sister of two older brothers inside me fired up and signed up as well; thinking "If they can do it, so can I". In my childhood this mentality often got me either beat up or dropped...and the same rang true well into my 20's.
The trip down was a long drive from the Vail Valley to Cortez, CO through all of what Colorado offers for weather...sun, clouds, wind, rain, and snow. Late afternoon Warren and I rolled into town, checked out the local bike shop, parked at the race location, and as soon as we could get our spandex on we were off to check out the course! FUN!...fun fun fun. This course was about 98% single track with short climbs, fast descents, twists and turns, whoopees, and just a few technical spots to keep you on your toes! My main concern after riding that night was pacing...how do you pace on such a fun course and keep up your mojo for 12 hours???
The next day was for relaxing, one more pre-ride, and keeping the smiles going with other friends who have come to race and support. Not really knowing what the next day would bring; I was nervous...but a "I'm ready, nervous"....not a, "what the hell did I get myself into, nervous". Thankfully, Frank, Ryan, and Barry all knew how to keep the mood light...with help from Alex.
Race day. Chilly wake up, but excited for a day of riding! Pirate socks and striped spankies on...and I'm ready! The race started with a 7am Leman's start, a lap around the local dirt race track, and a little double track detour before filing into the single track. Friends with much more experience than I told me their only concern would be my pacing...and not getting caught up in everyone else doing hot laps on a team. Having this in my head I stayed back, pedaled as if I was on a fun social ride being able to chat at any moment, and started a day of self talk.

Never once throughout the day did I really feel like I was really racing; however I did stay very aware of girls on bikes with gears and orange ribbons....I still tried not to spike my exertion and stay in a good zone mentally and physically. Looking back, The two main challenges were having to hold back and ride at a slower than normal pace for the first 6 hours...and then just having to maintain that pace for the next six hours and being ok with being very uncomfortable.
Which brings me to my hell lap. Lap 4. Ipod died, I stopped to help a girl with a flat and gave her my cartridge valve, 20 minutes later I flatted, dizzy spells started, and the of numbing toes began. I wanted to quit. The remainder of my hell lap I kept reminding myself a few mantras from some great people, "Just keep pedaling", "Don't forget to have fun", "The mind is a powerful thing", and "LIZARD!"....which I later realized there were many more caterpillars on this trail than lizards, but all in all it had the same affect of bringing a smile to my face.
So that's what kept me going...I had no idea how I was doing or where I was in the mix of other solo females, but I didn't care. I came in a little pissy after lap four but that was quickly turned around as Frank fixed my front wheel, Ryan found my extra ipod and shoved food at me, and Barry yelled at me to get back on my bike..."Are you here to sit? or are you here to ride your bike!" It was just what I needed...
Which brings me to my hell lap. Lap 4. Ipod died, I stopped to help a girl with a flat and gave her my cartridge valve, 20 minutes later I flatted, dizzy spells started, and the of numbing toes began. I wanted to quit. The remainder of my hell lap I kept reminding myself a few mantras from some great people, "Just keep pedaling", "Don't forget to have fun", "The mind is a powerful thing", and "LIZARD!"....which I later realized there were many more caterpillars on this trail than lizards, but all in all it had the same affect of bringing a smile to my face.
So that's what kept me going...I had no idea how I was doing or where I was in the mix of other solo females, but I didn't care. I came in a little pissy after lap four but that was quickly turned around as Frank fixed my front wheel, Ryan found my extra ipod and shoved food at me, and Barry yelled at me to get back on my bike..."Are you here to sit? or are you here to ride your bike!" It was just what I needed...

Lap 5: I felt strong, and even passed another geared orange ribbon lady rider. I was back to having fun, and at this point trail signs and mile markers were my entertainment and encouragement...not to mention the fancy pink horn that was secretly put on my bike the night before; it became my happy place. With some great company on my final 6th lap, I finished! DONE! Beer me!

Finishing this race felt much different than any other race I have ever done. Well, I can count the number of races I've done on one hand...all of which have been and hour or under. So, it's obviously a different feeling. I got off my bike and just felt, DONE...but good. It was the first real sense of accomplishment I had experienced in a long time. I ended up 4th out of 12 crazy solo ladies! The first finisher, having finished 7 laps and just being in a class of her own...2nd-5th completing 6 laps. Everyone else finished AWESOME! Tam/Pam placed 4th in their female duo category completing 7 laps...and Warren and Brett a strong 6 laps each in men's solo. GREAT JOB!

I walked away with a pretty sweet paper weight, a full day of fun riding, some lessons learned about my limits, and just a great weekend shared with some awesome friends new and old who enjoy riding bikes. Besides still feeling like my body is going through a bit of recovery, I can't imagine a better way to have started the season!