This saying rings true in every habitually single woman's mind here in the valley. Call it the truth or a bit of comedic relief. Whatever you want to define this saying as, just take it for what it is...because things aren't going to change anytime soon...something my ripe old age of 25 has taught me :)
Ask me where I thought I'd be at age 25, let's say 10 years ago, and I would more than likely say, married with children. No, not quite like the television show, but more so having the successful career, adoring husband, and maybe a precious little baby. Throw in a dog or two and a white picket fence, and there was my Pleasantville. Where am I now that I've reached a quarter century? Well, quit my "successful" career path, the only thing close to an adoring husband may not remember my name in the morning, and let's pray there won't be a precious baby anytime soon. Okay, that may be a little embellished, but you get the picture.
Face it, I am completely on the opposite end of what I thought my life would be like at 25...and in all honesty, I am 98.9% okay with it. Who really wants to regret the choices they've made? Yeah, I'm sure I am not 110% proud of a LOT of the choices I have made over the years, but through all my trials and tribulations I have become who I am today...and that's all I have to work with...so might as well embrace it.
More so, I look at the things I have accomplished and lessons learned, and I am grateful for not always doing things "right". I had a philosophy professor in college who would never let us answer a difficult discussion with, "Who's to say what's right, anyway". However, in this case I feel it just fits.
So, in closing the saying "The odds are good, but the goods are odd..." will always echo in a valley such as this. Have faith that there is one good one that you don't mind their odds, and in the meantime keep riding your bike, carving those turns, taking those photos, be true to yourself, and most importantly be good to people.