As the days fall away one by one, inching closer to my first endurance race...a million and one questions, self doubts, and "freak-out" moments race through my mind. "Why are you doing this again?" "Have you put in enough pedal time?" "Are you resting enough" "What!? I'm going to have to RUN?!?! in my bike shoes!?" "My bike is in how many pieces 9 days before the race!"....not to mention non race thoughts and concerns having to do with living the life of a gypsy for the past four months, trying to keep it together both mentally and physically, having minute by minute scheduled family time over the weekend, and not to mention the constant resume construction process. Basically, you could say the past couple days I have been a hot mess. My mind and thoughts have run all over the place with no clarity or continuity. Knowing this too shall pass I need to just remember a few things...
1. Have Fun. I'm doing this because it's fun. I love to ride my bike. Simple. I'm not doing this to "beat" anyone but the race itself. Having really only started mountain biking last summer and not necessarily having the most successful first summer of racing (
ie. landing on my head ending in lights out/stretcher/ER)...this race, to me...is a test. It's motivated me to get on my bike early and frequently. The technical part of riding is where I lack, most definitely...but I'm realizing that it's just going to continue to be a trial and error process...that seems to result in mud, blood, and bruises. Mud and blood wash off and bruises heal....right??!! :)
2. Enjoy the Process. Looking back at the endurance events I have done support for in the past, keeping the day/week as seamless as possible was crucial...and never worked as you "planned"...but you were always there to help the racer(s) with whatever you could. Now that it's MY turn to bare some long hours of spandex time, I'm really looking forward to enjoying the process in its
entirety. I'm very fortunate to be sharing the spandex time with a few coworkers and friends. Brett, Warren, and myself were the brilliant ones who signed up solo and Tam and Pam ( team
TamaPamaLam if you will ) luckily snagged a duo entry from a couple who dropped out. Not to mention the dream team we've conned into supporting this motley crew; Barry, Frank, and Ryan are sure to keep our spirits up and bellies filled...THANKING YOU all in advance for doing this! From
pre-race pep talks to mid race attempt to keep a lady's discretion on chamois butter application to post race ass slaps and high fives...I'm looking forward to enjoying anything and everything that the day might bring.
3. Do Well. Finally, I want to do well. I want to finish the day and think, "I did as well as my body allowed"...yes, I want to have fun...and enjoy the process of the day...but my fear of sucking gives me the last thing to remember...and that's to do well. This doesn't mean, win or even place...just finish the day feeling as though I did as well as I could...
So, there you have it...nerves are tamed, mind is a bit more clear...oh, and did I mention it's a Pirate themed race...?!