I haven't quite cornered why the word "train" sends a nails on a chalkboard chill up my spine. I cringe anytime someone asks, "What did you do for training?"... "have you started your training plan for next season yet?"... etc. In my opinion, this word that seems to echo a headache between my ears is a complete fun sucker. I choose to race because I love it; I love the sport, I love the people I've met just getting into it, and the beautiful places my two wheels have brought me. Simple.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
TRAINING : a 4 letter word.
I haven't quite cornered why the word "train" sends a nails on a chalkboard chill up my spine. I cringe anytime someone asks, "What did you do for training?"... "have you started your training plan for next season yet?"... etc. In my opinion, this word that seems to echo a headache between my ears is a complete fun sucker. I choose to race because I love it; I love the sport, I love the people I've met just getting into it, and the beautiful places my two wheels have brought me. Simple.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Decisions... Decisions... Decisions...
No one told me that the transition from 25 to 26 was going to be filled with so many of these pesky, looming decisions. No one warned me that making these decisions and choosing to go deeper and deeper into this unconventional life...that this would be coupled with those unheard of emotions every good Midwesterner has been conditioned to lock in a pretty little box tied with a bow and stored in the far back corner of their closets. Nope, this all came on like a ton of bricks... and seems as though every day my heart is screaming something else and I can't seem to find the ear plugs...
Saturday, September 4, 2010
With one arm waving free...
Since my last post I feel like I have found a new sense of peace with all that I'm doing as well as all that I'm not doing.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
My Mojito
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Race Recap
Which brings me to my hell lap. Lap 4. Ipod died, I stopped to help a girl with a flat and gave her my cartridge valve, 20 minutes later I flatted, dizzy spells started, and the of numbing toes began. I wanted to quit. The remainder of my hell lap I kept reminding myself a few mantras from some great people, "Just keep pedaling", "Don't forget to have fun", "The mind is a powerful thing", and "LIZARD!"....which I later realized there were many more caterpillars on this trail than lizards, but all in all it had the same affect of bringing a smile to my face.
So that's what kept me going...I had no idea how I was doing or where I was in the mix of other solo females, but I didn't care. I came in a little pissy after lap four but that was quickly turned around as Frank fixed my front wheel, Ryan found my extra ipod and shoved food at me, and Barry yelled at me to get back on my bike..."Are you here to sit? or are you here to ride your bike!" It was just what I needed...
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Minor Freak-Out....
As the days fall away one by one, inching closer to my first endurance race...a million and one questions, self doubts, and "freak-out" moments race through my mind. "Why are you doing this again?" "Have you put in enough pedal time?" "Are you resting enough" "What!? I'm going to have to RUN?!?! in my bike shoes!?" "My bike is in how many pieces 9 days before the race!"....not to mention non race thoughts and concerns having to do with living the life of a gypsy for the past four months, trying to keep it together both mentally and physically, having minute by minute scheduled family time over the weekend, and not to mention the constant resume construction process. Basically, you could say the past couple days I have been a hot mess. My mind and thoughts have run all over the place with no clarity or continuity. Knowing this too shall pass I need to just remember a few things...
1. Have Fun. I'm doing this because it's fun. I love to ride my bike. Simple. I'm not doing this to "beat" anyone but the race itself. Having really only started mountain biking last summer and not necessarily having the most successful first summer of racing (ie. landing on my head ending in lights out/stretcher/ER)...this race, to me...is a test. It's motivated me to get on my bike early and frequently. The technical part of riding is where I lack, most definitely...but I'm realizing that it's just going to continue to be a trial and error process...that seems to result in mud, blood, and bruises. Mud and blood wash off and bruises heal....right??!! :)
2. Enjoy the Process. Looking back at the endurance events I have done support for in the past, keeping the day/week as seamless as possible was crucial...and never worked as you "planned"...but you were always there to help the racer(s) with whatever you could. Now that it's MY turn to bare some long hours of spandex time, I'm really looking forward to enjoying the process in its entirety. I'm very fortunate to be sharing the spandex time with a few coworkers and friends. Brett, Warren, and myself were the brilliant ones who signed up solo and Tam and Pam ( team TamaPamaLam if you will ) luckily snagged a duo entry from a couple who dropped out. Not to mention the dream team we've conned into supporting this motley crew; Barry, Frank, and Ryan are sure to keep our spirits up and bellies filled...THANKING YOU all in advance for doing this! From pre-race pep talks to mid race attempt to keep a lady's discretion on chamois butter application to post race ass slaps and high fives...I'm looking forward to enjoying anything and everything that the day might bring.
3. Do Well. Finally, I want to do well. I want to finish the day and think, "I did as well as my body allowed"...yes, I want to have fun...and enjoy the process of the day...but my fear of sucking gives me the last thing to remember...and that's to do well. This doesn't mean, win or even place...just finish the day feeling as though I did as well as I could...
So, there you have it...nerves are tamed, mind is a bit more clear...oh, and did I mention it's a Pirate themed race...?!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Go back and remember why you're where you are, why you're doing whatever you're doing. Go back and remember what truly matters to you.
In your mind, go back to a time and a place when life felt positively magical. Realize that the magical feeling is still very much a part of you.
See that now, too, is magical. Understand that your best possibilities are with you even now.
Go back and appreciate all the good things you have ever had. From a deep and profound sense of gratitude, know that in this very time is the potential for more joy than ever before.
Go back, and see that all the goodness that ever was, still is. Now, carry all that goodness with you as you continue to move positively forward.
-- Ralph Marsto
This morning I got up and wasn't necessarily feeling my own sense of inspiration. I can't help but get down every now and then when I don't feel a real forward movement. That sense was quickly redirected when I did a little morning devotional and came across this reading. Hope you enjoy and have a wonderful Sunday! :)
Monday, March 22, 2010
Where you're going...
Come May, I’ll have lived here for three years. In the past two of those three sets of 365 days, the idea of moving has loomed over my head like a gray cloud. So many friends have come and gone. Almost to the point when I meet someone new the thought of, “well, they’ll go onto something bigger and better soon so why get too close” would always cross my mind. I feel as though in the past few months I have been tested a lot and the once gray cloud of feeling the need to leave, has now seemed like the silver lining of motivation to progress to something a little more sustainable, meaningful, and basically something more real.
Don’t get me wrong; there is nothing I know that would give me a bigger smile than a great day on skis, bike, or foot in the company of the mountains. However, I’ve come to realize that this is the problem. I don’t know what else would make me happy…and I find myself not happy if I don’t get to play in some way each day. In a way, this is a bit of a selfish outlook on life. Yeah, it’s fun...but whom am I really sharing it with? Where will it take me? 50 years old, working 3 jobs, a jeep full of gear, and probably some great photos of some great experiences. What won’t be captured in snap shots would be wedding cake smashed onto my face, crowded car family vacations, opening the door of a first home, a repulsed child’s face the first time he or she tries vegetables…. these are the images that are worth more than a powder day.
In a perfect world I would have the best of both worlds, but in reality I feel as though I need give a lot more than take to eventually get the happy medium I think I deserve.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
What are you doing right now in your life? Each day, what is your routine? Wake up, coffee, gym, work, home, dinner, bed, lather rinse repeat? Whatever it is, how do you know that this is the life you were called to live? The 9-5 grind, the frivolous day to day strive to play, or just the loafing into whatever the day gives. Each lifestyle represents with its repercussions, the parent who misses out on quality time with their children, the 20 something hopeful never reaching financial security, or the bum who just has a hard time getting off the couch. These routines need to be challenged to reach the goals we want to attain in our lives.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
One life to live...
This saying was a common response to most comments during this evening's skin and ski on Arrowhead Mountain. "Karen, are those bindings going to work?"..."I'm not sure, but you only have one life to live!" Ok, using that saying in this context was more so a comedic relief than anything as I had no clue how to use my friend Kerry's AT set up. Thank goodness for patient friends who waited a good 15 minutes for me to stumble around trying to get it to work. I was so surprised on how light and efficient the equipment was. Besides the boots being a bit snug (a size and a half too small) it was quite comfortable. Not to mention how beautiful the night was. Throw in two good friends who can make me smile with just their presence, and it was a pretty spectacular evening.